Clean semis and delivery trucks mean cleaner air and less greenhouse gas emissions for Colorado.

Issue in Focus: Clean Trucks

Colorado’s Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC) is considering a rule that would require that a certain number of medium and heavy duty trucks sold in the state be zero emission, joining several other states in this important effort to reduce emissions from trucks that deliver our groceries, packages and other supplies.

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s Clean Diesel program offers grants to Coloradan businesses that are “interested in replacing one or more of their older diesel machines with eligible lower- or zero-
The Colorado Clean Cars Coalition’s webinar, “Electrifying trucks in Colorado: The road to cleaner air,” is now online.
Even if we hit the most ambitious targets for changing our cars and trucks over to electric vehicles, we will fail to meaningfully reduce emissions from transportation without confronting this simple fact: new roads always produce new driving.

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